Officers 2023-2024

  • President: Daniel Levine
  • Vice President / President-Elect: Noah Pittman
  • Secretary: Tammy Lorince
  • Treasurer: Mack Ivey
  • Historian: Trish Starks
Daniel Levine, Chapter President
Daniel Levine, Chapter President

Officers 2024-2025

  • President: Noah Pittman
  • Vice President / President-Elect: Autumn Spicher
  • Immediate Past President: Daniel Levine
  • Secretary: Tammy Lorince
  • Treasurer: Mack Ivey
  • Historian: Trish Starks

Additional Executive Committee Members

  • Alex W. Barker
  • Noelle Chesser
  • Suzanne McCray

Constitution and By-Laws

Chapter Constitution

  1. This society is one of the coordinate branches of the body known as the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa and shall be called the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in the State of Arkansas.
  2. The object of the Phi Beta Kappa Society is the promotion of scholarship and friendship among students and graduates of American Colleges.
  3. The members of the Chapter shall be elected primarily from the best scholars of the graduating classes of the college. Secondly from those graduates of said college whose post graduate work entitles them to such honor and lastly from any persons distinguished in letters, science or education, provided, however that the section from each graduating class shall not exceed one-fourth the number of graduates. But the Chapter may make further limitations or restrictions.
  4. In addition to scholarship, good moral character shall be a qualification of membership, and any member who is found to have lost this qualification may be expelled from the society by a four-fifths vote of the members present at a regular annual meeting of the society.
  5. This Chapter shall send a delegation to represent it at each National Council of the United Chapters, shall contribute its equal part to the financial support of the United Chapters and shall conform to the Constitution of the United Chapters and all lawful requirements of the National Council.
  6. This chapter shall by the enactment of suitable By-Laws provide for the election of officers, the initiation of members,, the conduct of its meetings, and for such other matters as shall be prescribed by the United Chapters; provided, however, that such By Laws shall contain nothing inconsistent with this constitution or with the Constitution and By-laws of the United Chapters and that they shall not thereafter be amended with the approval of the Senate.


Article I-Officers

  1. The officers of this chapter shall be a president, a vice-president and a secretary-treasurer, whose duties shall be those that are customarily performed by such officers.
  2. The officers of the Chapter shall be elected at the annual business meeting of the Chapter and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected.
  3. Immediately upon assuming office the president shall appoint two other members of the Chapter who together with the president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer, shall constitute the executive committee in whom shall be vested the duties incidents to the management of the affairs of the Chapter between meetings. It shall be the province of the executive council to pass on the qualifications of other institutions applying for charters and to make recommendations to this Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Voting on such recommendations shall be restricted to Chapter members who are University officers and faculty members.
  4. The officers and other members of the executive council shall be chosen from the members of the Chapter who are also University officials or faculty members.
  5. The executive council shall have the power to conduct the business of the chapter, to make necessary expenditures between meetings, to appoint delegates to any district conference, and to perform such other duties as usually devolve upon an executive council.

Article II-Meetings

  1. Two regular meetings shall be held during each academic year; on or about December 5 primarily for the election of officers for the ensuing year and for the transaction of other business; another in March, primarily election of new members. Special meetings may be called at any time by the president and shall be called on the written request of four members of the Chapter.
  2. A meeting for initiation and dinner shall be held within thirty days after the March election.