Chartered in 1932, the Alpha of Arkansas chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is part of the oldest Greek Letter fraternity in America. Since our founding in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa has celebrated excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and championed freedom of thought.
Each year, the Alpha of Arkansas chapter inducts by invitation students in the Arts and Sciences whose academic record and depth and breadth of studies and activities evidence exceptional achievement. Our chapter roster includes familiar campus names such as Fulbright, Futrall, Leflar, Waterman, Hotz, Holcombe, and Droke.
Through the PBK Visiting Scholars Program, Alpha of Arkansas brings distinguished scholars to campus for informal meetings with students and public lectures for the entire community. In recent years, Alpha of Arkansas has hosted Shawkat Toorawa, Professor of Arabic Studies and Comparative Literature at Yale University, Peter Meineck, Professor of Classics in the Modern World at New York University and founder of Aquila Theatre Company, Osamu James Nakagawa, Ruth N. Halls Distinguished Professor of Photography at Indiana University, and Kathleen McGarry, Professor of Economics at UCLA and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Why Join?
Phi Beta Kappa membership is by invitation only. Accepting your invitation:
- signals your exceptional achievement
- offers lifelong membership and learning
- connects you with a network of members
- links you to your local campus chapters
- provides resources for every stage of your career
- advocates for the arts and sciences
Read more at the national Phi Beta Kappa site.